Relaxing massage in Pärnu!

Invigorating massage in cozy Alice Backyard in Pärnu. Massage helps to relieve muscle tension caused by excessive or little physical or mental exertion. The massage is good for the skin and improves the overall blood and lymph circulation. Massage is also a relaxing and excellent tool for preventing diseases and restoring the body’s internal balance. Depending on your wishes and needs, you can choose between different massages, focusing on a specific area (head massage, back massage), or choose a full body massage. You can broaden your massage experience with a honey massage that has many beneficial effects or a deeply warming lava stone massage. Come and enjoy a massage or even a massage treatment at Alice Backyard in Pärnu.

Book massage +372 55660181

Classical massage

40€ / 45 min.
50€ / 60 min.
80€ / 90 min.

Classical massage or Swedish massage is the most common type of massage and is a complex of different movements and techniques. Classical massage improves blood and lymphatic circulation, and metabolism strengthens the immune system, reduces muscle tension and stress. Massage has a relaxing effect in case of mental and physical stress, and it has both a direct and a reflectory effect on the body through the nerve receptors in the skin, which are closely linked to the central nervous system.

100% natural honey massage

75€ / 75 min.
90€ / 90 min.

Honey massage originates from Tibet and is a great way to cleanse the body. Honey is used primarily as an adhesive to create an adhesion between the masseur’s hand and the client’s body. Honey massage speeds up the blood supply to the massaged area, causing long-lasting hyperemia. The known healing effects of honey also reach the body through the skin. Honey massage is used successfully to treat muscle tension, colds, anemia, radiculitis, mental tension, cellulite, and chronic joint problems. It has a good effect on mild fatigue, stimulates the lymphatic system and blood circulation, has a cleansing and detoxifying effect on the body, as well as promoting the mobility of the spine. Honey massage is the only massage that has been used to treat sunburn.

Stress-back aroma massage

50€ / 45 min.

The stress-back aroma massage is a pleasant, restorative treatment for the upper back as the most tense area of the body. Stress back means pain due to tension in the upper back, shoulders, and neck area, numbness of the hands and fingers, headache, etc. Massage relieves stress and muscle tension, relieves pain, improves blood circulation and metabolism, and restores work capacity.

Head massage

20€ / 20min

A relaxing head massage is a good remedy for nervousness, mental fatigue, insomnia, and difficulty concentrating. This treatment is also very helpful for headaches and muscle tension. The massage restores inner peace and reduces fatigue from mental work.

Deeply warming lava stone massage

70€ / 60 min.
90€ / 90 min.

Relieves the problems of stress, back pain, weakness of the immune system, cold hands, and feet, muscle pain, metabolic disorders, knee pain, blood supply disorders, lack of energy, leg pain, and overexertion. The stones used in the massage carry the power of fire and earth, the water has polished them, and the sun has left its energy in them. When in contact with the skin, the stones begin to transmit the heat and power of the earth, the energy collected from the sun balances our energy flows, and the water soothes the senses.

Other beauty treatments

Alice Backyard also offers other beauty services! Manicures, pedicures and eyebrow and eyelash tinting.

Book an appointment for a massage  +372 55660181

Other beauty services – for more information and to book an appointment call +372 527 4765 (Heleri).

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Book massage

Book your massage here or call +372 55660181