From September to the end of May, Alice Backyard offers a range of accommodation packages for families, couples, groups of friends and companies for a pleasant holiday. You will find accommodation packages in our selection:
Luxury spa package in Pärnu, for a nice getaway with family or friends.
Romantic package “Time for Love” for romantics who want to enjoy quality time with their loved one, mini-break “Restart” to take some time for yourself and the business traveller’s favourite “Komandeering package” for productive remote working in Pärnu.
Packages with accommodation are a smart choice, as you get a cheaper stay in Pärnu and extra services are already included in the price.
We look forward to welcoming you to Alice Backyard accommodation and spa complex. With cosy guest apartments, an exhilarating spa area and delicious food, it’s a place where you can take time out to relax and be with family and friends.
The package is suitable for groups of up to 4-6 people and families of 4-8. Children aged 7-14 are welcome.
We all need time away from the daily routine to be with our loved one. It’s a time for the two of you. Mum’s cosy deluxe apartment has everything you need to spend a truly romantic weekend in each other’s arms.
The current cold and dark weather is just the right time to give your body and mind a relaxing restart. Treat yourself to a nice 3-day mini-break in Pärnu, away from your usual environment. This package will help you gather your thoughts, plan for the future and/or just relax and spend some quality time with your favourite book or TV show.
After this holiday, you’ll be full of energy and motivation to get back to work!
Planning a business trip to Pärnu and need a nice place to telecommute? Our Business trip package has been designed with your needs in mind, offering the perfect work-life balance. Stay in our well-equipped guest apartment where you can enjoy a quiet and comfortable environment for productive remote working.
Need a place for a company party, a birthday celebration or just want to take some time out with family or friends to relax?
The whole house (accommodation, spa) can be booked for groups of 8 or more.
Ask for a more detailed offer
Lisainfo ja küsimused
Hommikusöögile ootame teid suvekuudel juuni, juuli, august iga päev 8:00-11:30.
Hommikule lisab särtsu: värske mahl, smuuti, kohvi ja tee valik.
Lisaks pakume: Erinevad külmad suupisted, salatit, puuvilju, jogurtit, summuti, hommikusöögihelbeid ning valik piimasid, sh mandli- või sojapiim. Tõelistele puhkuse nautlejatel on võimalus alustada päeva kihiseva Cavaga.
Võileiva tegemiseks on valikus: Leib, sai, värskelt küpsetatud croissant, lihalõigud, kala ja erinevad juustud.
Traditsioonilised kuumad road: Puder, pannkoogid, praemuna, peekon, oad jne.
Book your massage here or call +372 55660181