Alice Backyard Spa

Welcome to Alice’s Backyard saunas, which offer an exciting joy of discovery and relief from the everyday stress. In Alice Backyard’s zen sauna complex, you’ll find a meditative 45C salt and steam sauna and a sizzling 90C Finnish sauna. Enjoy starry skies in a cozy 38C hot tub, or spend time in the fireplace lounge, sharing snacks and sipping light drinks.

Girls' spa evening

A girls’ night out at the spa with your best girlfriends is the perfect way to relax and have a quality time. We’ll create a cosy environment for you to forget your everyday worries and enjoy each other’s company, reminisce about old times and have a great time.

men's spa evening

A men’s evening at the spa is a great way to get friends together, enjoy a good night’s rest, forget everyday worries and recharge your batteries. Cold beers and a hot sauna create a relaxing environment in which to share jokes and more serious thoughts. Find this time to get together with friends, take a break from everyday life and feel your body and mind refreshed.

Birthday in spa

If you’re looking for something special to celebrate your birthday, a spa day is definitely a memorable and unforgettable way to do it!

Breakfast with spa visit

From 1 June to 31 August, we welcome you to enjoy the pleasures of the spa and a hearty breakfast in Alice’s garden every DAY.

It’s a great way to come and relax, take some time out and clean up before the new week begins 🙂

Tickets for adults 25€/in and children aged 6-24 15€.

The ticket includes a 2h spa visit with breakfast.

Please book your visit in advance!

Alice Backyard Spa Gallery

For more information and questions, please call +372 5540046 or email

Küsi pakkumist

Lisainfo ja küsimused 

Hommikusöögi menüü

Hommikusöögile ootame teid suvekuudel juuni, juuli, august iga päev 8:00-11:30.

Hommikule lisab särtsu: värske mahl, smuuti, kohvi ja tee valik.
Lisaks pakume: Erinevad külmad suupisted, salatit, puuvilju, jogurtit, summuti, hommikusöögihelbeid ning valik piimasid, sh mandli- või sojapiim. Tõelistele puhkuse nautlejatel on võimalus alustada päeva kihiseva Cavaga.
Võileiva tegemiseks on valikus: Leib, sai, värskelt küpsetatud croissant, lihalõigud, kala ja erinevad juustud.
Traditsioonilised kuumad road: Puder, pannkoogid, praemuna, peekon, oad jne.

Telli catering

Telli catering siit või helista +372 5540046

Book massage

Book your massage here or call +372 55660181