About us

Alice's Backyard Story

Welcome to the cozy Alice's Backyard Guesthouse in Pärnu! Pärnu has been gaining popularity as a resort town since the 19th century, thanks to its beautiful beaches, relaxing atmosphere, and vibrant summer events. Alice's Backyard began welcoming guests in the 1960s, thanks to my dear grandmother, Alice Kants.Alice was a bright and colorful character, truly embodying the spirit of Pärnu. She possessed the Estonian resilience, courage, and entrepreneurship to open her home to summer tourists arriving in Pärnu back in the 1960s. While hosting guests in the heart of this popular holiday town, she offered them more than just a place to stay. She provided heartfelt hospitality, relaxing massages, and delightful meals. Just as I do today alongside my family members. It must be in our genes...In creating experiences at Alice's Backyard, we have carefully selected every detail. All to pay a worthy tribute to both, grandmother Alice and to you, dear guest. Thank you for being a part of the Alice Backyard story and for contributing to the preservation of our family heritage. Welcome to Alice's Backyard,a place what is created with love!
The hostess of Alice Backyard,
Heike Pettinen

Find out what to do in Pärnu

Your vacation starts in Pärnu, where all family members will find something to enjoy. Whether you love nature and culture, enjoy the sleepy small-town atmosphere, indulge in spa treatments, listen to beautiful concerts, or if you love the sea, sailing, cycling trips, and long walks—Pärnu offers all that and more!

Küsi pakkumist

Lisainfo ja küsimused info@alicebackyard.ee 

Breakfast menu

Hommikusöögile ootame teid suvekuudel juuni, juuli, august iga päev 8:00-11:30.

Hommikule lisab särtsu: värske mahl, smuuti, kohvi ja tee valik.
Lisaks pakume: Erinevad külmad suupisted, salatit, puuvilju, jogurtit, summuti, hommikusöögihelbeid ning valik piimasid, sh mandli- või sojapiim. Tõelistele puhkuse nautlejatel on võimalus alustada päeva kihiseva Cavaga.
Võileiva tegemiseks on valikus: Leib, sai, värskelt küpsetatud croissant, lihalõigud, kala ja erinevad juustud.
Traditsioonilised kuumad road: Puder, pannkoogid, praemuna, peekon, oad jne.

Telli catering

Telli catering siit või helista +372 5540046

Book massage

Book your massage here or call +372 55660181