Healthy breakfast in Pärnu!

Start your day with a wholesome buffet breakfast, served on the cozy terrace of the Alice Backyard garden café. The garden café is open to guests of Alice Backyard as well as to all other guests staying in Pärnu. We are located in a closed garden in the Pärnu beach area, which is private, safe, and perfect for families with small children. The garden has swings and other exciting things to discover. This is how breakfast in Pärnu passes in the fresh air in a cozy environment with healthy food and good emotions. Friendly pets are also allowed. A healthy breakfast is a good start to the day!

Summer is over and the ia cafe is closed!

To organize a special event-company party, gathering, birthday, ask for an offer at

Breakfast menu

Adds excitement to the morning

Fresh juice, smoothie, selection of coffee and tea

In addition, we offer

Salads, fruit, yogurt, breakfast cereals, and a selection of kinds of milk, including almond and soy milk

For sandwiches, you can choose

Black bread, white bread, freshly baked croissant, slices of meat, various cheeses

Traditional hot dishes

Porridge, pancakes, bacon, eggs, etc.


15 €/adult
6 €/child 6-14a
free for children up to 6 years old

Monday to Sunday  8:00  –  11:30

If you do not stay in Alice Backyard, it is necessary to book breakfast in advance. To do this, call +372 554 0017 or write to us at

Café menu

Küsi pakkumist

Lisainfo ja küsimused 

Hommikusöögi menüü

Hommikusöögile ootame teid suvekuudel juuni, juuli, august iga päev 8:00-11:30.

Hommikule lisab särtsu: värske mahl, smuuti, kohvi ja tee valik.
Lisaks pakume: Erinevad külmad suupisted, salatit, puuvilju, jogurtit, summuti, hommikusöögihelbeid ning valik piimasid, sh mandli- või sojapiim. Tõelistele puhkuse nautlejatel on võimalus alustada päeva kihiseva Cavaga.
Võileiva tegemiseks on valikus: Leib, sai, värskelt küpsetatud croissant, lihalõigud, kala ja erinevad juustud.
Traditsioonilised kuumad road: Puder, pannkoogid, praemuna, peekon, oad jne.

Telli catering

Telli catering siit või helista +372 5540046

Book massage

Book your massage here or call +372 55660181